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Customer segments in Metrilo
Dimira Teneva avatar
Written by Dimira Teneva
Updated over a week ago

Personalized marketing with Metrilo is based on customer segmentation by behavior. Creating smaller subgroups of customers who have taken a certain action allows you to tailor your marketing messages to this specific behavior.

You can start filtering your customer base from the Customer Database tab. This is where you see all your customer and visitor info, and where the filters for segmentation are. Also, that's the starting point for sending emails in Metrilo (see Premium Plan).

As soon as you integrate Metrilo, you'll be able to do customer segmentation on the following criteria:

  • product and category interactions 

  • when was their last order

  • when was the last activity on site 

  • order count

  • LTV

  • coupons used

To create a segment, just apply one or a combination of filters (found on the left side of the page).

Here are some example segments and how to do them in Metrilo:

  • high spenders: let’s say that the average LTV for your store is $300, but you want to create a segment for your real fans - the high spenders. Their LTV (revenue earned from them) can be more than $500.

  • loyal customers: the most loyal customers are the ones with the most orders. If the average order count per customer is 4, and you want to get a list of customers with more than 7 orders, you can easily do that with Metrilo. 

  • inactive customers: the customers that haven’t ordered in quite a while - Last order more than 30 days ago and Revenue earned more than $100, for example.

  • coupon users: to find the users of a specific coupon, filter by the coupon name

How to use the customer segments created

  1. Identify interesting customers and explore their purchasing behavior

By segmenting, you can identify the major customer groups you're dealing with. Dive deeper into individual customer profiles to meet the people behind your orders. This will give you a feeling of interacting face-to-face with them, bridging the anonymity of online sales. 

Plus, Metrilo allows you to tag people and add notes so it's easier to keep track of findings and insights.

      2.  Send targeted emails

Sending tailored emails to specific customer segments increases conversion rates. Customers respond better to relevant and timely offers. 

Sending an email to a selected segment happens right from the same tab (on Premium plan). Or if you want to reuse the filtering, save the segment - it's dynamic so it'll give you a current list the next time you load it.

    3. Create personalized Facebook remarketing campaigns

You can use any customer segment for Facebook remarketing. With the CSV export available in Metrilo, creating a custom audience takes 5 clicks. A few days later, you can send them an email through Metrilo, too, and get the orders rolling in.

Another way segments come in handy is to model a lookalike audience after them

What you'll be able to do with customer segments when Metrilo accumulates enough data

After you integrate Metrilo with your store, it starts accumulating data - as soon as you get a visitor on site. Soon, you'll have enough data to do more complex segmentations and personalized campaigns for the ones whose emails you have:

  • by actions performed like cart abandonment

  • by product viewed

  • by product category viewed

  • by the number of sessions

  • by location

  • and more.

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