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Revenue analysis and the Customer Database tab
Revenue analysis and the Customer Database tab
Dimira Teneva avatar
Written by Dimira Teneva
Updated over 6 years ago

As mentioned before, all Metrilo features are strongly interconnected with one another. The Revenue Breakdown tab connects meaningfully to the Customer Database tab, the Traffic analysis and the email marketing tool.

Revenue Breakdown and the Customer Database tab

One of the major advantages of Metrilo is the opportunity to link the business figures to the real people behind the numbers. By applying different breakdowns to your revenue in the RB tab (if you don’t know how to do it, check the following article), you will be able to extract specific customer lists.

For example, if you want to understand the ratio between new and returning customers, apply the following breakdown and then click on the blue number of new customers to see the real people. The same logic applies to all breakdowns in the RB tab.

Then, you can send an email to the selected list, export it as a CSV, or just tag them for later use. 

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