Metrilo does not slow down your website.
Our JavaScript tracking library is loaded asynchronously (meaning that it starts loading when your website is already displayed to your visitors). Sending tracking information to Metrilo is also achieved through asynchronous calls and our API usually responds in under 0.10 ms from across the world thanks to your CDN provider.
So, what you need to consider about the JavaScript Library loading on the website are:
Namespaced - so that it does not clash with any other library
Independent - does not require any external libraries
Makes a single request on every page with the minimal required information
Non-blocking - so that it does not slow down the rendering of a page in any way
The background syncing is non-blocking, independent, namespaced and it, obviously, happens in the background.
However, if you have any doubts about your website performance, just drop us a message at [email protected] and we’ll be more than happy to answer all your questions.